Friday, December 18, 2020


What is a quote? 

The word "quote" could be a verb or a noun. Let's see the definition as a noun according to the Cambridge Dictionary.  

A quote is when you repeat the words that someone else has said or written before. 

When do you use the word "quote" as a verb?

These two examples were found in the Cambridge dictionary. 

  • He's always quoting from the Bible.
  • Can I quote you on that (= can I repeat to other people what you have just said)?

One way to close a presentation is when we use quotations. Sometimes a speaker needs them when giving a speech, but every speech does not need quotations. What every speaker should know is why, how, and when to use quotations in their speeches.   
Here you have some examples of famous quotes that you can use in your speech.

Does the quote bring something to your speech or presentation that your own words can’t? 

If it is like this, you can use it. If not, try to find another one that goes with your speech.  

If the person you're quoting isn't recognizable to your audience, you may have a problem.   


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